Our Trustee is Mine Super Pty Ltd (ABN 70 003 566 989) and is responsible for Mine Superannuation Fund’s management and investment decisions.

The Trustee’s job is to make sure Mine Super:

  • works in the best interests of members and their beneficiaries

  • follows the Trust Deed, Mine Super Fund's rule book

  • follows the superannuation laws, rules and regulations.

The Trustee is licensed by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, the government body that supervises the superannuation industry, to be a Trustee of a public offer superannuation fund.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has given the Trustee an Australian Financial Services Licence, number 246864, to provide general financial product advice on superannuation.

View our Licence, registration and ABN details.

The Trustee is equally represented by both coal industry employees and employers, working together in the best interests of members and their families.  

View our Trustee Directors details.

The Trust Deed is the Fund's rule book. It’s a legal document setting out how the Fund is to be administered and takes precedence over anything contained in the Product Disclosure Statement, the website and other publications.

The Trustee is responsible for making sure the Fund is managed in accordance with the Trust Deed and for the protection of member's entitlements.

The Trust Deed includes the Fund's general governing rules and Trustee powers and contains schedules that outline the rules relating to fees and specific membership categories. The schedules are:

  • Schedule A – Accumulation Category (Employer) Rules. Includes rules relating to employer-sponsored members, their employers and specific rules applying to Queensland and New South Wales mineworkers.

  • Schedule B – Accumulation Category (Personal) Rules. Anyone who isn't an employer-sponsored member (or a pensioner) is a personal member. This schedule outlines the rules relating to these personal and spouse members. 

  • Schedule C – Defined Benefit Sub-fund Rules. Includes rules relating to the old New South Wales statutory benefits scheme, referred to as the NSW Miners Pension Sub-fund. Membership to this scheme closed in 1993.

  • Schedule D – Pension Category Rules. Outlines the rules relating to the standard Mine Pension and the Queensland statutory pensions (payable to coal mineworkers).

  • Schedule E – Fees. Specifies the types of fees and costs able to be charged by the Trustee.

  • Schedule F – Schedule F incorporates relevant parts of the WA Coal Industry Superannuation Regulations 1990 into the Fund's Trust Deed.

  • Schedule G – Mines Rescue Stations Staff Category Rules. This outlines the rules for the Mines Rescue Stations Staff Category (which is closed to new members). The Trust Deed for existing members of the Mines Rescue Stations Staff Category members. View the Trust Deed for existing members of the Mines Rescue Stations Staff (PDF). This Defined Benefit Category has been wound-up effective from July 2024.

You can view the current consolidated Trust Deed (PDF) or the superseded Trust Deed (PDF) (which includes the rules for Part 3):

  • at one of our offices during business hours

  • by calling us on 13 64 63 and we'll send you a copy.

The Constitution

The AUSCOAL Superannuation Pty Ltd Constitution (PDF) sets out the rights, powers, duties and rules governing the company, the board, each director and each shareholder.  

NSW Miners Pension Sub-fund members

NSW Miners Pension Sub-fund members’ pension benefits are determined by taking into account the Reference Rate set out in Column D of Appendix 3A of the Mine Superannuation Fund Trust Deed. The Reference Rate is updated annually and the amount of the new Reference Rate is made available on the Fund’s website when it is updated. View the latest Reference Rate (PDF).

The Board recognises that Board assessments are an excellent corporate governance activity that can assist it in improving its operations and effectiveness. The Trustee Board has implemented a Board Assessment Program which operates over a 3-year cycle. The Program includes components to collectively and individually assess the Board, its Committees and Directors. View the overview of the Board’s Performance Assessment Program.

Mine Super's remuneration policy for management and Directors has been established to:

  • offer and maintain competitive remuneration

  • provide internal equity

  • provide incentive

  • recompense for individual and company / Fund superior performance

  • encourage behaviours that supports the company’s ethical codes and achieve long term performance.

The remuneration disclosure (PDF) outlines Mine Super's guiding principles for remuneration and the remuneration paid to Board members and management staff.

View our Executive Management details.

Annual Report
Member Outcomes Assessment
Modern Slavery Statement
Significant Event Notices
Financial statements

Financial statements for Mine Superannuation Fund:

Financial statements for the Trustee:

The Mine Super Group has a Conflicts of Interest Management Framework and Policy to assist the Board and staff to manage conflicts of interest which arise from time to time. The Group’s Framework also includes requirements in relation to gifts, hospitality and entertainment both received and offered.  

Under the Framework and Policy, Directors and staff have an ongoing duty of disclosure in relation to actual, potential and perceived conflict of interests which are identified in the normal course of business and which apply to their interests and duties. The Framework and Policy which can be accessed from the link below, sets out requirements on how conflicts can be mitigated including in relation to related-party conflicts.  

The Trustee keeps registers which record the interests and duties of Directors and Executives which may have an impact on their role as a Responsible Person.

The Group’s Code of Conduct sets out the standards expected when they are undertaking their duties. The Code forms part of the Group’s Conflicts of Interest Management Framework. A summary of the Code can be accessed from the link below:

Corporate governance refers to the system of controls, policies and processes used by a company to determine how it’s administered, its relationships with stakeholders, including shareholders, staff and members, and its accountability.

We’ve adopted principles for corporate governance that outline the framework under which the board and management carry out their duties and obligations. These principles are outlined in the Corporate governance policy statement (PDF).

Mine Super is a significant investor in the Australian and international investments market. The board has developed guidelines and principles to ensure investing is undertaken in accordance with best practice in the interests of Mine Super members.

How we invest your money

Our in-house investment team appoints professional investment managers to invest your money within strict guidelines.

Investment managers

We regularly review our investment managers’ performance, remove managers and add new ones. View the latest Investment managers list (PDF).

Proxy voting

The Trustee delegates the authority to Investment Managers to exercise any right to vote and directs the Investment Manager to exercise any such right on all material matters arising (being those matters which are likely to have a material impact on the value of a share or unit in the Fund’s investment portfolio).  This delegation is outlined in the Investment Management Agreements between the Trustee and the Investment Manager. 

The Trustee retains the right to specifically direct the Investment Manager in relation to the appointment of a proxy and the way in which the proxy should vote. In the absence of any specific direction from the Trustee, the Investment Manager will exercise the right to vote as it determines.  

The Investment Manager reports on the exercise of voting rights on a quarterly basis to the Mine Super Investments Team.

View a proxy voting summary (PDF) of how, during the previous financial year, we’ve voted on resolutions in listed companies the Fund invests in.

The Group maintains a Risk Management Framework (RMF) that articulates how it comprehensively manages risk and supports the delivery of the Strategic and Business Plan. The RMF is informed by the Strategic and Business Plan and consists of the following Board approved components:

  • the Risk Appetite Statement – which sets out material risks that could impact the Group and the behaviours the Group is intolerant of when executing business activities;

  • the Risk Management Strategy – which documents how the activities outlined in the Strategic and Business Plan link to the Group’s articulated risk appetite and will be controlled; and 

  • the Operational Risk and Compliance Management Framework – which outlines the key processes used by the Group to identify, control and respond to perceived or actual risk events.

To view the Group's approach to risk management, see our overview of the Risk Management Framework visual (PDF).

View our Whistleblower policy (PDF).