You'll automatically receive a Western Australian (WA) Coal Division Defined Benefit account if you’re employed in the WA coal mining industry and are likely to remain employed as a mine worker for at least six months. Along with your defined benefit, you might also receive an accumulation account.

If your work is temporary or casual, you'll only receive an accumulation account and this information won't apply to you. If you want to know more about your accumulation account, read our Super Product Disclosure Statement. Defined benefit accounts have different rules. For instance, they don't allow for extra contributions or let you choose different investment options.

If you have any questions about how your WA Coal Division Defined Benefit account works, read the WA Coal Division Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the Insurance Guide, or call us on 13 64 63.

How to calculate your retirement saving amount

Having a defined benefit account means the retirement income you receive from your defined benefit isn’t determined by investment returns. Instead, it's worked out using the following formula*:

Your retirement benefit = membership multiple x benchmark amount.

The benchmark amount is indexed each year with increases in Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings. This means your super is largely protected against the effects of inflation. If you want to know the current benchmark amount, read the Mine Super WA Coal Division PDS.

Your membership multiple is each year you worked for your employer before turning age 65 multiplied by 12%.

Your retirement savings increase as your length of membership and the benchmark amount increase. If you worked part-time in a year, your multiple will be pro-rated. For example, if you worked half of full-time hours for one year, it will be 0.5.

Once you reach age 65 your membership multiple stops increasing and any further contributions are paid into an accumulation account. When you retire, you'll be entitled to a retirement benefit calculated using your membership multiple at age 65, times the benchmark amount at the date of retirement. If you have an accumulation account, this will also be included in your retirement benefit.

Extra employer contributions

Your employer contributes between 7% and 10% of the benchmark amount to your defined benefit account. Currently your employer is contributing 7% of the benchmark amount.

By law, employers must make Super Guarantee contributions of 11.5% of your salary to your super account. If the defined benefit contribution is less than the Super Guarantee, your employer will pay the difference into an accumulation account with Mine Super or another super fund you choose that's listed in your Award.

Your contributions

You have to pay 3% of the benchmark amount until you turn age 65. This contribution is automatically paid from your salary.


The cost of your defined benefit account is built into your employer’s contribution rate and is not charged to you.


John has 20 years of defined benefit membership when he retires at age 60. If the benchmark amount when John retires is $50,000*, his retirement benefit will be:

Membership multiple = 12% x 20 years = 2.4

Benchmark amount = $50,000 

Retirement benefit = 2.4 x $50,000 = $120,000

*This amount is an example used for illustrative purposes. The current benchmark amount can be found in the WA Coal Division PDS.

Death and Total and Permanent disablement (TPD) benefits

If you have an active WA Coal Division Defined Benefit, you’re eligible for a benefit if you die or become disabled while you’re working for your employer. 

This benefit is calculated as a retirement benefit at the age of 60, using the benchmark amount that applies at the date of death or disablement.