Although you’re not issued units, we use unit prices to value your account. Each business day we calculate the value of your account using a daily unit price. This daily unit price reflects the value of the assets your investment option is invested in.

The value of your account depends on the number of units allocated to you and the unit price of the assets you’re invested in1. The unit price can move up and down in line with changes in the value of these assets.

We recommend you read our explanation of how your account balance is calculated and the latest declared unit price in our Unit Pricing factsheet (PDF).

Latest declared unit price

Unit prices are calculated and updated daily for each business day, excluding non pricing days. In this case the unit price is calculated the following business day. You can see the latest declared unit price, along with the past week's unit prices in the tables below.

About latest declared unit prices

Information displayed in the tables below may be delayed from time to time. For an up to date account balance using the latest available unit prices, go to your online account.

Options: Super and pre-retirement pension
Options: Account-based pension

Past week's unit prices

Super and pre-retirement pension2

Account-based pension

1 If you're invested in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy, you'll be invested in the investment option relevant to your age: High Growth (under age 50); Growth (aged 50-54) or Balanced (aged 55 and above). For more information about the Lifecycle Investment Strategy read our Lifecycle Investment Strategy (PDF) factsheet.

2 Unit pricing for our pre-retirement pension product is combined with our super product as these products invest in the same pool of assets and have the same investment return objective and investment fees and costs, as well as the same investment returns.

Note: The High Growth investment option (previously Aggressive) was renamed on 25 March 2021. In our super and pre-retirement pension products, the Secure investment option (previously Stable) was renamed on 24 March 2022. In our account-based pension, the Secure investment option commenced in March 2022.

For further information on past unit prices please call us.

Past performance isn't necessarily an indication of future performance.

Non pricing days

Unit prices will not be calculated on weekends and on the following days:

  • Monday, 1 January
  • Friday, 26 January
  • Friday, 29 March
  • Monday, 1 April
  • Thursday, 25 April
  • Monday, 10 June
  • Monday, 7 October
  • Wednesday, 25 December
  • Thursday, 26 December
  • Wednesday, 1 January
  • Monday, 27 January
  • Friday, 18 April
  • Monday, 21 April
  • Friday, 25 April
  • Monday, 9 June
  • Monday, 6 October
  • Thursday, 25 December
  • Friday, 26 December